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The ledger is where the business finances are tracked and controlled. The ledger is fully editable and can be set up the way you want it. The basis of the ledger consists of "Categories" and "Columns". Quite simply, columns are associated with categories and it is within the columns that the information is held.

Categories and columns can be created, deleted, and edited. An example of a category could be "Parts". You can then create columns associated with the "Parts" category. The columns here would be the names of your parts suppliers; "Joe's Auto Parts", "Mazda Spares Co." etc.

Ledger columns can have associations with more than one category. This is required when you have for example, "Petroject" as a column associated with the Parts category and maybe, Training category. If columns have more than one category association, G-E provides tools to track them.

The ledger has two special default columns. They are "Bank" and "Cash". They are special as they are a combination of a category and a column.  The Bank represents your bank account. Cash represents your cash tin or kitty. When payments are taken for work performed, the amount of the payment is automatically added to the cash column. When you have enough cash on hand, you "do the banking". In G-E you call the "Do the Banking" function, enter the amount and the funds are taken from the cash column and added to the bank column.

When you pay your suppliers, G-E moves funds around the ledger from the bank column to the supplier column. Any entry can be recalled and edited as needed as we all make mistakes. You do not have to enter "Explanation Entries" to correct mistakes.

The Ledger menu also has a "Bank Reconcile" function. The reconcile function is used to balance your bank column against your bank statements. The Reconcile function is loaded with the tools you need to find cheques, search for exact amounts or amounts between set levels. Ledger entries can be edited from the Reconcile screen so detected errors can be corrected "on the fly". As withdrawals and deposits are checked off, a running "reconcile balance" is continuously calculated. If the bank column does not balance, you are shown the amount of the error so you have an idea of what you are searching for.

Also in the Ledger menu resides the "Process Creditor" function. This is similar to the "Reconcile Bank" function and with it you can create entries for all your supplier invoices and reconcile your supplier's monthly statements. The function contains all the tools to do this quickly and efficiently right down to making the payment which obviously updates supplier columns with the information.

Using information from the "Process Creditor" function, G-E can quickly show you your liabilites to your suppliers at any time with the "Creditors Owed" function.

The ledger also allows a single cheque number to be entered several times. This allows you to allocate one cheque number to several ledger columns. The Reconcile function has tools to track these entries and show the sums.

The Ledger also prepares and displays GST reports. The GST report scans the files and displays the figures required for GST calculations. A more comprehensive report can be printed if you wish to see where the figures are derived from.

G-E also produces a quick "Income Vs Expenditure" report so you can keep tabs on your spending etc.

At the end of the fiscal year, G-E produces a "Transactions Report". This report is extensive, listing all transactions which have occurred in the Ledger for the fiscal year laid out in an easy to follow format. This report is generally adequate for an accountant to produce your fiscal year balance sheet.

Of course, G-E can also list your outstanding creditors and amounts owing along with the uncleared payments details for the end of year reports.