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The Workshop menu contains other useful and required functions.

Register Program:
This utility is used to register an unregistered version of the software. A code is required which you can obtain from us directly or your supplier. This function doesn't show when the software is registered.

Company Details:
The Company Details utility is used to alter the header on your invoices and other printouts.

Company Logo:
G-E will print your company logo on all main printouts to the left of your header details. G-E just requires an image in .bmp format. The Company Logo utility is used to enter the path to the image on your hard disk so G-E knows where to find it. We offer a service where we can digitally cut your logo from a business card or similar and provide you with the logo on disk for safe keeping at a very reasonable rate.

Print Letterhead:
Ever need to send a quick fax and wish you had a sheet of paper with your letterhead? The Print Letterhead function provides you with exactly that. It prints your header details and logo leaving the rest of the sheet blank. You will be surprised how often you use this function. Any number of letterheads can be entered and printed.

New Letter:
A complete letter database where letters can be created and saved for future use. The Letter utility is comprehensive using the software's ability to search out client names and addresses, vehicle makes, models and rego numbers for automatic insertion into letters.

View information about all invoices finalised between entered search dates. The info reveals totals of parts sold, other revenue, labour and sublet work.

Monthly Statistics:
This function provides some quick figures for any month you enter. They include your bank balance at the end of the month, cash on hand, total number of hours charged out for the month, total amount in running workorders, total turnover and expenditure for the month. G-E subtracts the expenditure from the turnover and gives the result.

Technicians Performance:
G-E can track the performance of all your technicians and show the results here. For any given period, G-E will add the hours each technician has charged out and show the hours tied up in running workorders. The grand totals are also shown.

Distributor Details:
Shows your software distributor's contact details if they have included them.

Shows the version number of the software you are using so you can easily see if you require the latest update from this site. About also shows my contact details so you can rest assured you will get the best possible phone support available